“I see this house as an extension of my portfolio work,” Miranda explains. “It’s as much me and as much of my art as it is a house. It is an experience.” The experience is filled with collections of “beautifully strange” decorative objects she finds in a variety of places including junk stores, eBay, Etsy, Craigslist and travel. Her love of biology, zoology and all things having to do with animals is abundantly clear. In addition to her two dogs, Mr. Whipple and Birdie, and four bunnies, Tumpta, Flapjack, Toofus, and L.B. Fou Fou, the house is filled with creatures of land and sea in various forms: plastic toys, ceramic vases, entomological specimens, faux and real taxidermy. Animals are depicted in paintings, printed on pillows, and seem to appear wherever you turn.